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New Earth Healing Center

Welcome to our Community! This is a Safe Zone for Spiritual people (and others!) to gather and discuss their Recovery from Addiction and the Trauma that comes along with it.

We offer Peer-to-Peer Group Support for your Addiction Recovery in an informal & honesty based atmosphere in the comfort of your own home offered by a Peer Recovery Specialist who has walked in your shoes.

Addiction is rampant right now and people from all walks of life are suffering because of it. People who have experienced their Spiritual Awakening are no exception and in fact, sometimes the addiction is what leads to the Awakening process.

What can we offer you?

  • Private Weekly Group Meetings
  • Daily Guidance
  • A Safe Judgement-Free place to talk
  • Support Services/Coaching
  • Information
  • Resources
  • Discussions on issues that go along with addiction such as DV, depression, etc..
  • We focus on getting your life back on track!

What is a Peer Recovery Specialist?

This is the title of someone who has lived through addiction and made it to Recovery and becomes qualified to assist others who are recovering through training and work experience or education. At the end of the Specialists training they receive a Certification to practice. You may be interested in doing this yourself some day!

About Your Coach

Basically my training and certifications are in Spiritual Life Coaching, Health & Wellness Coaching, Legal Certified Minister in my home state of Ohio, and I have also worked as an Awakening Coach and a Business Coach. I am working towards my Legal Certification as a Peer Supporter in Addiction & in Domestic Violence from the State of Ohio and I am Coaching this Program as part of my Hands-on Training. I started out as an Opoid addict myself and now I am helping others in their Recovery.


Addiction comes in many forms and many levels. If you define addiction it is more than just the physical craving, it is also about the mental effects that go along with it. Understanding how it works is a key part of recovery.

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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